About Us
The Portuguese Industrial Association projects a vision about the future,
associated with change and modernization projects,
always with the primary objective of boosting the Portuguese business community.
Supporting the Portuguese Companies
The Portuguese Industrial Association (AIP) is a private non-profit entity, which has the status of a Public Utility Collective, being simultaneously Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Its national scope makes it the largest multisectoral business association in Portugal. Its main objective is to contribute to the progress of companies and associations affiliated to it, in the technical, economic, commercial, associative, cultural and social domains. In pursuit of these objectives, it is proposed to defend the interests of Portuguese companies, to stimulate the Portuguese business fabric, to contribute to the strengthening of business associations and to provide quality services to companies and associates. Today, AIP is asserting itself as an institution open to society, which actively participates in the country's socio-economic and cultural evolution.
In its activity, support for members stands out, namely in terms of the competitiveness of companies, as well as the defense of their legitimate interests and rights, as well as their representation at local, national and international levels.
Conceive and execute actions, programs and projects to improve competitiveness
and the quality of management of its members and companies in general.

Know the Statutes of the Portuguese Industrial Association