Ordinance No. 255/2023 of August 7 was approved, which changes the legal framework of the mandatory content of the execution project, as well as the procedures and standards to be adopted in the preparation and phasing of public works projects.
These rules apply in cases where the owner of the work, the entity responsible for the design and execution of the work or the entity purchasing services for the preparation of public works projects are contracting entities, under the terms set out in article 2 of the Code of Public Contracts, approved by Decree-Law no. 18/2008, of January 29, in its current wording. Likewise, it also applies to projects presented by competitors in public pre-contractual procedures, in the situations provided for in paragraph 3 of article 43 of the CCP.
The changes introduced by this review essentially translate into:
a) Update and complete concepts and definitions;
b) Improve and develop the minimum requirements required in each phase of the project;
c) Complete and update the project specifications defined for each type of work;
d) Attribute greater responsibility to project authors;
e) Adjust the project phases to current management concepts in the execution of works;
f) Introduce greater rigor in the budget estimates prepared in the different phases of the project;
g) Complete and update the project specifications defined for each type of work;
h) Introduce parametric models developed using the BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology in the preparation of public works projects.
The new instructions come into force on September 6th (that is, 30 days after their publication in the Diário da República) and apply to the preparation of all projects prepared by the developer, in the definition given in its annex I, or whose hiring procedure was initiated after that date.
For additional details please contact us: cabinet.juridico@aip.pt.